Tuesday, December 4, 2012


最近, 妈妈很努力的在学英文~

妈妈问儿子:" I Dont Know 是什么意思? "

儿子:" 我不知道 "


然后说道:" 我给了那么多钱让你去读书, 竟然不知道 I Don't Know 是什么意思!? "

妈妈继续说:" 我再给你一次机会告诉我 I Don't Know 到底是什么意思? "



然后生气的说道:" 你是不是闲我不会英文,不教我?! "

儿子:" 真的是不知道啦!! "

妈妈:" 算了 , 你不告诉我 I Dont Know 是什么意思就算了 , 那么I Know But I Don't Want To Tell You 又是什么意思?"

儿子:"妈。。 你直接打我算了~ "


替三国英雄取英文名。。 XD

张飞 - Open Fly

关羽 - Close Feather

关平 - Even Close

孔明 - Bright Hole

孔融 - Melt Hole

刘备 - BackUp Liu

刘表 - Watch Liu

马超 - Super Horse

吕布 - LV Cloth

吕蒙 - LV Men

曹操 - Fuck Cao

Monday, November 26, 2012













用工是辛苦的; 興趣是快樂的。

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rihanna - Where Have You Been (MV)


The term "douchebag" generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation.

Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. He has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.

He often talks about how cool, successful, and popular he is, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. Nevertheless, he firmly believes that he is the smartest, most desirable, and most charming person in the room... and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade.

He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women. He tries to portray himself as part of the in-crowd (a fashionista, an upwardly mobile professional, the life of the party, etc.) but only succeeds in his own mind.

To everyone else, he is an annoying and arrogant phony who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. He tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate him, but in reality, he is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, women, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group... while contributing nothing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


将在阿里山过一夜的住宿 -- 阿里山高山青大饭店。 ^^

(暖氣開放時間: 11 月底 ~4 月底,下午 6:00~ 隔天上午6:00,
會因季節看日出時間不同而調整 )

定價:NT$ 5,800 【含稅及服務費】
優惠價:01/12/2012, 每間 NT$4,800

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

可樂 - 意想不到的用途

可樂 - 意想不到的用途

可樂屬酸性,pH值為 2.30 – 2.40,這酸鹼值已經可以抑制大多數的微生物、可以溶解牙齒和骨頭,還有多種意想不到的清潔功能。

◆ 清潔各種你想不到的東西
1. 可用來清潔燒焦的鍋底。把可樂倒進去然後煮沸,就可以把鍋底燒焦去除。
2. 舊的毛巾浸泡在可樂裏面,可以變的更新。
3. 浸泡可樂可清洗舊錢幣。首飾放到可樂裡浸泡,再用牙刷清潔可重現光彩。
4. 把可樂倒入你的水壺放上一天。可清除水壺裏面的殘垢。
5. 把可樂倒入馬桶泡個兩三小時,裡面的酸性物質起作用,可以去除尿垢。
6. 用沾有可樂的毛巾擦拭,可去除鎖頭的生鏽。
7. 用錫紙沾上可樂,可清潔汽車電池端的腐蝕物或車頭保險桿的鐵銹。同樣,如果生鏽的釘子難以拆卸,倒上可樂等幾小時,就可順利除鏽拆卸。科學原理是內含的離子及酸性與氧化鐵產生化學反應,造成鐵鏽掉落。
8. 倒一罐可樂進洗衣機,加入洗衣粉,可以幫助去除衣物油漬。

◆ 詭異的用途
1. 在照片表面輕輕的刷一層可樂,然後快速弄乾,可讓新照片實現老照片的效果,尤其是黑白照片效果最好。
2. 染髮後若覺得顔色有點重,用可樂洗頭可讓顔色變淺一些。
3. 把可樂倒入一個廣口容器,放到有植物的地方還能充當殺蟲器。因爲可樂的甜味會吸引蟲子,跌落進來就難以活命了,不過似乎有點多此一舉,換成其他飲料也可以達成這個功能。

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Mahabodhi Temple

The Mahabodhi Temple (Burmese: [məhà bɔ́dḭ tɕáʊɴ]) is a Buddhist temple located in Bagan, Burma. It was built in the mid-13th century during the reign of King Htilominlo, and is modelled after the Mahabodhi Temple, which is located in Bihar, India. The temple is built in an architectural style typical during the Gupta period, and contains a large pyramidal tower with many niches containing over 450 images of Buddha. The temple survived the 1975 earthquake, and was repaired in following years.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Stories..

Stories that stop you in your tracks..

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Tuesday, August 21, 2012







Monday, August 20, 2012

Heineken Cube

Complex.com‘s Nick Schonberger recently asked you to, “Imagine being able to really fill a fridge with beer. No space lost.”

He asks the question as he introduces us to Heineken’s new “cube”; a brilliantly simple concept from the mind of designer Petit Romain of France that is so obvious you sort of have to ponder why it’s never been done before. The cube concept pitches several advantages that range from the economic, to the environmental. Quite simnply, a cubed bottle is easier to store for manufacture, more efficient to transport and finally, store in the fridge. By maximising spatial usage, there should be long term fuel economy gains that in turn minimise carbon footprint. This green cubed bottle really may be the greenest bottle ever.

So, it seems the only questions left are; ‘Does it look any good?’ and ‘Is it as easy to drink as from a typical bottle?’.

Well, we think it looks pretty awesome, and can’t wait to see a 12-pack stacked in our mini-fridge. But we’re not yet convinced that the ease of consumption is up there with the bottle. The model in the image below seems to be drinking just fine, but it’s much wider and – we’d assume – harder to grip. That said, we feel the comfort sacrifice is more than worth the benefits!

V-CUBE™ won a silver award in the "Other markets - Entertainment" category for the pioneering V-CUBE 2™ packaging in Pentawards, which is the first on-line global awards competition devoted entirely to packaging design.

Amongst the Pentawards winners this year were some of the most famous brands worldwide like Coca Cola, Jack Daniels, Davidoff and Heineken. The only other toy to have ever won an award prior to that was Pokemon (Silver - 2009).

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Funny Ad by Adidas

During FIFA World Cup 2006, Adidas followed up the FIFA World Cup Recruitment campaign in April with Partido and Equipo, two television spots featuring young boys picking and managing their dream soccer teams. In “Equipo” (Equipment) José and Pedro, two Spanish-speaking boys, fantasize about who would be in their dream team. Before they know it, their dream players turn up, even players from the past such as Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini. In “Partido” (Party) José and Pedro, as captains of their own dream teams, play against each other in what appears to be a parallel of a 1966 FIFA final between England and Germany. Kaká is sent off and Jermain Defoe is chosen to go into goal.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012


《回到三国》卡通版 ♥

People from Terengganu

People from Terengganu refer themselves as "Orang Ganu", but it's just Orang Terengganu in Terengganu Dialect; Terengganu's Folk in English.

Anyhow, to say in English, it might be Terengganuans.. but still i never heard anybody use that word.

All the great stadiums

As a Malaysian and 'Ore Ganu', I feel so shame.
Even worse, until now still no one is held responsible for the lousy construction..

* Ore Ganu means Orang Terengganu in Terengganu Dialect; Terengganu's Folk in English.