Thursday, October 17, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
整。 借。 学。 变。
【未来十年拼什么? 】
四个字: 整 ~借 ~学 ~变
★一:整;资源整合! 你能整合多少资源,多少渠道,你将来就会得到多少财富!
→_→古人云: 富不学富不长,穷不学穷不尽!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
◆Lover 情人(不是:爱人)
◆Sporting house 妓院(不是:体育室)
◆Dead president 美钞(不是:死了的总统)
◆Service station 加油站(不是:服务站)
◆Rest room 厕所(不是:休息室)
◆Busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是:公汽售票员)
◆Dry goods <美>纺织品 <英>谷物(不是:干货)
◆Heart man 换心人(不是:有心人)
◆Tea shop 茶馆;小吃店(不是:茶叶店)
◆Senior citizen 老年人(不是:高级公民)
◆Wash one’s hands 上厕所(不是:洗手)
◆A busy body 爱管闲事的人(不是:忙人)
◆A black sheep 害群之马(不是:一只黑羊)
◆Be taken in 受骗,上当(不是:被接纳)
◆Pull sb’s leg 开玩笑(不是:拖后腿)
◆African American 美国黑人(不是:非洲美国人)
◆Eat one’s words 收回前言,改正错话(不是:食言)
◆Mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是:发疯的医生)
◆Eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是:十一点)
◆Personal remark 人身攻击(并非个人评论)
◆Sweet water 淡水(不是:糖水或者甜水)
◆Confidence man 骗子(不是:信得过的人)
◆Criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是:犯罪的律师)
◆Dressing room 化妆室(不是:试衣间或者更衣室)
◆Horse sense 常识(不是:马的感觉)
◆Capital idea 好主意(不是:资本主义思想)
◆Familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是:熟悉的谈话)
◆Black tea红茶 (不是:黑茶)
◆Green hand 新手 (不是:绿手)
◆Have a fit 勃然大怒(不是:试穿)
◆Black art 妖术(不是:黑色艺术)
◆White coal (作动力来源用的)水
◆Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是:中国龙)
◆Red tape 官僚习气(不是:红色带子)
◆China policy 对华政策(不是:中华政策)
◆White man 忠实可靠的人(不是:皮肤白色的人)
◆Black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是:陌生的黑人)
◆Eat ones words 收回前言(不是:食言)
◆An apple of love 西红柿(不是:爱情之果)
◆Handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是:大字报)
◆Bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩(不是:推倒房子)
◆Blind date(由第三者安排的)男女初次见面(并非盲目的约会或者是瞎
◆Roadside business 汽车饭店;汽车旅馆;汽车影院(不是:路边店 )
◆American Dream 美国的生活方式,美国人的自由民主观念(不是:美国梦)
◆Yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封,不是:黄色书籍)
◆Blue stocking 女学者,女才子(不是:蓝色长筒袜)
◆American beauty 一种玫瑰,名叫美丽动人(不是:美国美女)
◆English disease 软骨病(不是:英国病)
◆Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是:印度的夏日)
◆Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是:希腊的礼物)
◆Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是:西班牙的运动员)
◆French chalk 滑石粉(不是:法国粉笔)
◆In ones birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是:穿着生日礼服)
◆Make ones hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然,恐惧(不是:令人发指,气愤)
◆Think a great deal of oneself 高看或者看重自己(不是:为自己想的很多)
◆Pull up ones socks 鼓起勇气(不是:提上袜子)
◆Have the heart to do 用于否定句,忍心做(不是:有心做或者有意做)
◆What a shame 多可惜,真遗憾(不是:多可耻)
◆You don’t say 是吗?(不是:你别说)
◆You can say that again 说的好(不是:你别说)
◆I haven’t slept better 我睡得很好(不是:我从未睡好过)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
可怜的麝香貓 Poor Civets

源自印尼的貓屎咖啡(Kopi Luwak),是從麝香貓排泄物中提煉出來的極品,由於數量稀少且被美食界胡亂炒作追捧,半磅賣到幾千千港元,有些高檔咖啡店賣數百或上千元一杯,英國甚至有索價8、9百元。
It's the world's most expensive coffee and is made from faeces, but connoisseur drinkers should feel most squeamish about the "horrific" abuse that mars its production process, animal welfare groups have claimed.
Kopi Luwak, or civet coffee, is created mainly in Indonesia from beans of coffee berries that are fed to Asian palm civets – small, cat-like creatures found in south-east Asia.
The brand has experienced a recent surge in popularity, fuelled in part by a memorable appearance in the 2007 film The Bucket List, pushing its export price up to $230 (£145) a pound.
Kopi Luwak has spread from Indonesia to the US and Europe, with a London outlet last year announcing that it will charge patrons £70 for a cup.
But its high-end pricing and idiosyncratic origin mask the grim reality of the coffee's production, which has morphed from a casual cottage industry for rural Indonesians to intensive farming.
The Guardian visited a coffee shop in Medan, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where a female civet was kept in a cramped cage at the back of the premises. Her two young offspring were separated from her in a similarly small cage, with a further 20 cages hidden away from view on the shop's roof.
Animal welfare groups contend that growing numbers of such civet "farms" are emerging across south-east Asia, confining tens of thousands of animals to live in tiny cages and force-fed a debilitating diet. The Asian palm civet is common, but conservationists claim that related species are sometimes used which are under threat of extinction. The binturong, another cat-like species that is sometimes used to produce Kopi Luwak, is classed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's red list as "vulnerable".
The animals are almost exclusively fed coffee berries, which they then excrete. The enzymes in their stomach acid help produce a bean that is washed and roasted to create a coffee that has been lauded for its smooth, caramel-like taste.
"The conditions are awful, much like battery chickens," said Chris Shepherd, deputy regional director of the conservation NGO Traffic south-east Asia. "The civets are taken from the wild and have to endure horrific conditions. They fight to stay together but they are separated and have to bear a very poor diet in very small cages."
"There is a high mortality rate and for some species of civet, there's a real conservation risk. It's spiraling out of control. But there's not much public awareness of how it's actually made. People need to be aware that tens of thousands of civets are being kept in these conditions. It would put people off their coffee if they knew."
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